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Lubricant Gel for Virginia Dryness03Oct

Can I Use Lubricant Gel for Vaginal Dryness? Benefits and Considerations

Lubrication is often linked to comfort during vaginal penetration and is considered an important aspect of sexual function in many cultures. Can I use lubricant gel for vaginal dryness? and what type of gel should I use? Are the commonly asked questions while considering lubrication.   Enhancing Sexual Pleasure and Comfort Lubricant gels are commonly used to enhance pleasure during sexual activity, especially in cases of vaginal dryness or dyspareunia (pain during intercourse). Lubricant gels can enhance the experience by increasing pleasure for both partners and ease penetration, which is often …
Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy03Oct

Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period marked by significant physiological and hormonal changes, oftenaccompanied by various skin and body reactions. One common issue is vaginal itchingduring pregnancy, which can occur in various forms and severities. Vaginal itching duringpregnancy, while uncomfortable, is typically not dangerous but warrants attention to ensurethe health and safety of both the mother and the developing foetus. Causes of Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy Hormonal Fluctuations: Pregnancy-induced hormonal changes, especially in estrogenlevels, can alter the vaginal pH and lead to infections like yeast infections (candidiasis). Theincreased glycogen in vaginal secretions …
Feminine hygiene wash30Sep

Role of feminine hygiene wash in vulvovaginal health: Best Practices and Product Considerations

Daily cleansing is an essential part of hygiene and feminine hygiene wash supports intimate health. However, the choice of products and practices can significantly impact vulvovaginal health. The primary goal is to maintain the natural balance of the vulvovaginal microbiota while achieving cleanliness and avoiding discomfort. The role of feminine hygiene wash in vulvovaginal health makes a beneficial contribution on combining the best practice with a right product.  Importance of Vulvovaginal Cleansing: Microflora and Vulvar Health: Intimate Hygiene Practices: Vaginal Douching: This practice is often discouraged as it can disrupt …
birth control pills30Sep

What is the link between birth control and Vaginal infections?

Approximately 63% of partnered, reproductive-age women globally use some form of contraception and an estimated 8% of all married women currently use the oral birth control pills. It is the most popular contraceptive method in Africa, Europe, and Oceania. However, the use of birth control pills in India is relatively low in India compared to other regions. Oral contraceptives are used by over 100 million women worldwide and this blog gives an overview of the relationship between contraception especially oral birth control pills and vaginal microflora, particularly focusing on the …
Natural Remedies for Vaginitis28Sep

How to Treat Vulvovaginitis at Home

Vaginitis, a common clinical issue affecting millions of women globally, has various causes, the most prevalent being bacterial vaginosis, followed by yeast infections and trichomoniasis. There is growing interest in the use of Natural Remedies for Vaginitis management due to the drawback associated with the use of conventional treatment with medicines. The conventional treatments with medications often lead to high relapse rates, side effects, and limited use during pregnancy. The Natural Remedies for Vaginitis are mainly used to address the symptoms caused by infections and the approaches differ depending on …
Vitamin D During Pregnancy03Sep

What is Vitamin D During Pregnancy and Its Impact

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy is a significant global health issue, affecting maternal and foetal outcomes. Numerous studies have shown that the Vitamin D status is far from optimal in many countries all over the world. Only a limited number of foods naturally contain Vitamin D to be recommended as natural Vitamin D fruits and vegetables during pregnancy except fish, egg yolk, and offal such as liver. Prevalence of Deficiency of Vitamin D During Pregnancy Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is alarmingly common, affecting both maternal and fetal health. Adequate …
Vitamin D Supplements29Aug

Vitamin D Supplement: What Women Should Know Before Taking Them

Vitamin D is essential for overall health of women, particularly during pregnancy, as it supports foetal development and maternal well-being. However, maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels is challenging due to limited dietary sources making supplementation an essential alternate. Before choosing the best Vitamin D supplement alone or combinations like Vitamin D and B12 supplements, it is essential to understand the main forms of Vitamin D, D3 (cholecalciferol, animal source) and D2 (ergocalciferol, plant source). Best Vitamin D Supplement: What Women Should Know Before Taking Them for Self and Children Sources …
Iron deficiency and Skeletal Muscle Mass12Aug

Iron Deficiency and Its Impact on Skeletal Muscle Mass and Function

Skeletal muscle mass is critical for physical condition and mobility. Iron deficiency significantly impacts muscle strength, exercise capacity, and endurance, which are essential for maintaining a good quality of life and reducing risk factors related to mobility. Iron is essential for the function of enzymes involved in energy metabolism, particularly in mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells. This deficiency not only affects muscle endurance but also hampers muscle protein synthesis and repair, potentially contributing to a decline in muscle mass over time. Understanding the intricate relationship between iron status and skeletal …
Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss06Aug

Iron Deficiency and Its Impact on Hair Loss

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide, affecting numerous physiological processes including hair health. Studies have shown a strong relationship between iron deficiency and various forms of hair fall, particularly non-scarring alopecia such as telogen effluvium and female pattern hair loss (FPHL). According to stats 15% of premenopausal women and 18% of pregnant women in the USA have iron deficiency. Risk factors include inadequate dietary iron intake, poor iron absorption, increased iron requirements (e.g., during pregnancy), and blood loss. Hair loss affects over 25% of women in developed …
Bacterial Vaginosis06Aug

Vaginitis and Bacterial Vaginosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginitis in women, accounting for 40-50% of total cases, followed by yeast infection in 20-25% of women at least once in their lifetime, with both infections being the causes of vaginal odor. Bacterial Vaginosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevalence Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a common vaginal condition characterized by an imbalance in the normal vaginal flora:Risk Factors – Socioeconomic factors, hygiene practices, and access to healthcare influence the incidence and contribute to the causes of vaginal odor. The vaginal flora is constantly changing …
Vaginal Dryness03Aug

What is Vaginal Dryness? Possible Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Vaginal dryness, a symptom of the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, increases with age and advancing menopausal stages.What is menopause? In simple terms, it is the end of menstrual cycles in a woman’s life.Vaginal dryness is caused by reduced secretory function of the vaginal epithelium, which is associated with decreased blood flow, mucosal thinning, microbiome changes, and inflammation. Concern in Both Post and Pre-Menopausal Women Though, “what is menopause?” known to us there is less clarity on vaginal dryness, its relationship to menopausal age and its occurrence in pre-menopausal women.Post-Menopausal Women: …
Vaginal Atrophy30Jul

Vaginal Atrophy (Atrophic Vaginitis) – Treatment and Management

Experiencing discomfort, dryness, or pain due to vaginal atrophy can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life, particularly during menopause and beyond. Vaginal atrophy, also known as atrophic vaginitis, occurs when the vaginal tissues thin and become inflamed due to a decrease in estrogen levels. In this article, we will explore various options, from topical treatments to lifestyle changes, that can help manage and relieve the discomfort associated with vaginal atrophy. What is Vaginal Atrophy? Vaginal atrophy, also known as atrophic vaginitis, is a condition characterized by the thinning, drying, …